vivid grove
Tuning Sessions          


tuning traces project

a workshop and observation experience

tuning scores workshop: saturday june 1, 12noon - 6pm
tuning traces public experience: june 2, 2pm

Seven Mirrors, 481 9th street, oakland

For the tuning traces project, margit galanter and Zoe Huey are co-hosting a constellation of events that work with a hybrid application of the tuning scores, which are a sensory-perceptual movement and action practice originated by Lisa Nelson, along with drawing, and live archiving through visual practice and the multi-senses.  The weekend’s gathering includes a public workshop, a working group, and a public observation experience with the phenomenal group. The working group is a gathering of artists, including: Ainsley Tharp, bae laurel, Frances Rosario, jubilee july, margit galanter, Kevin C. Lo, Rose Huey, and Zoe Huey; with intermittent live archiving by Denise Leto, Stacey Goodman/Seven Mirrors, tony only; and at the workshop and observation experience, hopefully you!

Register for workshop, fill out form and pay HERE
Ticket for observation experience HERE 

Workshop Registration Early Bird by May 23

*more information here

For the tuning traces project, margit galanter and Zoe Huey are co-hosting a constellation of events that work with Tuning, drawing, and live archiving through visual practice and the multi-senses.  The gathering includes a public workshop, a working group, and a public observation experience.

Tuning scores are an aesthetically rigorous and kaleidoscopic set of sense-based physical activities developed by Lisa Nelson. The scores illuminate basic elements of making – both images and action in time and place. Tuning scores offer tools for collective practice, composition, & context-building, and refine one’s capacities in aesthetics and in art creation.

As part of the tuning traces project, margit will facilitate a workshop.The Saturday Tuning Scores Workshop will be an opportunity to explore foundational tuning scores and warm-ups with a focus on visual practice, embodiment, and the multi-senses; what can tuning be for an arts, visual, and gallery context? The workshop will be geared for a range of people, for those who want to incite their creative practice through sense-based movement, aesthetic exploration, and attunement with the environment; for artists and dancers; and for longtime tuning practitioners. The workshop will take place inside the studio as well as in chosen outdoor nearby spots in Old Oakland, surrounding Seven Mirrors.

Sunday’s Public Observation Experience will be a chance to see the working group that has been meeting over several days, to witness them create live traces as they explore applications of tuning scores with drawing and other visual practices. The public is invited to observe and participate in this informal culmination of tuning traces, with some opportunities to join. The working group is a gathering of artists, including: Ainsley Tharp, bae laurel, Frances Rosario, jubilee july, margit galanter, Kevin C. Lo, Rose Huey, and Zoe Huey; with intermittent live archiving by Denise Leto, Stacey Goodman/Seven Mirrors, tony only; and at the workshop and observation experience, hopefully you!

Both of these encounters are for art enthusiasts, dancers, visual artists, and for folks curious about the experimental collective process.

*Space at Seven Mirrors is limited, so if you are interested in the workshop, it is advisable to sign up as soon ASAP.

With the gallery’s wide storefront windows, the material will also be forged in relation with the energy of the street, with being seen and being scene.

The event is co-presented by Seven Mirrors and the vivid grove, and takes place at Stacey Goodman’s Seven Mirrors experiment space in Old Oakland.

Some Resources on Tuning Scores

Big collection of interviews and videos / Lisa Nelson
~Tuning Score Resources / the vivid grove website

Registration Information

Workshop Rates & Registration
Sliding scale: access rate - base rate - solidarity rate

Early bird, register by Thurs May 23rd
$70 - $110 - $150

After May 23rd
$110 - $160 - $200

Observation Experience, $10 suggested donation
Pay directly to margit via Venmo, Paypal, or check

To Register, please fill the form and pay here 

~If the sliding scale fee isn't accessible to you, please be in touch and we'll work it out
~Please get in touch if you have any questions

Location + accessibility

The studio is located on ground level with an ADA door frame. The bathroom is located outside of the building, also on ground level, wheelchair accessible. While working with visual material, it can be accommodated for those who do not see. Reach out with any further access needs or questions.

More details on Covid safety will be sent to workshop participants. Please note, for workshop, rapid tests are required the morning of the workshop, or wear a high quality mask. There will be an air filter running in the space, and windows will be open as widely as possible; the space is long with windows only on one side.


Photo: esco lacqua; Design: Zoe Huey; PR: mg and jules paramor.




Composition, Communication, Context

A Tuning Workshop and Mentorship Group
6 Sessions This Spring, Outdoors East Bay, 2-5pm
Saturdays: March 19, 26, April 16, 30, May 14, 21
$125 for the series / $40 each / Register by March 16
(full series highly encouraged, even if you miss a few!)

This movement series outdoors east bay is an opportunity to develop a tuning scores practice together over a period of months. It’s a series to dive deeply into the scores, if you have spent time with them loads or are newly curious, to get intimate with their underlying operations and ways of working. The focus will be on the various “c’s” stated: conversation in a dance with composition, communication in context, as concept, and collective choreographic constructions. As a group, we will develop an evolving language based on the scores’ practices, calls, and somatic actions, commensurate with the conditions of the moment. I am interested in us utilizing tuning as a set of practices that support collective and respective inquiries, as a way to develop one’s creational desires, as drawn from the subtle and sensing experience. Tuning will be used as a forum for rigorous, kaleidoscopic, and attuned aesthetic collective action and play, in conversation with nature~culture.

Tuning Scores are a unique way to investigate movement, composition, human behavior, and communication altogether. Tuning Scores are a sensory perceptual dance composition practice that illuminate the basic elements of how one can make live art. The scores are wildly fun and applicable in many contexts, showing how what one sees is inextricably linked to how one sees.By tuning into our creative habits, our physical inclinations, and the space itself, we develop our image-making as an extension of our own perceptions. We communicate our desires, our imagination, and our memory, in shared image space. And with this material we compose live art together.

Over the past several years, along with teaching Tuning workshops around the US and internationally over decades, Margit has been developing a context in the Bay Area for the practice of Tuning. In 2018, Lisa Nelson and Margit launched a Tuning Culture Project, organized with Emelia Martinez Brumbaugh (aka Jubilee July), to highlight the ways that Tuning can offer creative understandings and support how culture is made - through artistic practice, and through applying tuning in various cultural contexts. This series is one facet of this project, and also includes the developments of Tuning4Armageddon, a radical tuning project in conversation with QTBiPOC artists in the Bay Area, led by James Amutabi Haines, Margit, Jubilee, and Zoe Huey.

This group is open to people from all artistic media, all abilities, all walks. As ever, Racial Justice Fellowship is available. My intention is to continue as participants would like to delve further.

On Tuning Scores
Tuning Culture

We will be physically distanced, please come wearing a mask.

Venmo: @Margit-Galanter / PayPal: / Checks and cash also welcome. Please make a note what payment is for!




vivid grove Racial Justice Fellowship

The vivid grove program offers three Racial Justice Fellowships – with preferences to immigrant ppl and  QT/BIPOC. Perhaps you would be interested in applying. This would enable you to take several workshops throughout the fall to spring season, 2019 - 2020. You will be invited to figure out what is germane/how it feels right for you to participate, based on the offerings of the season, and create an agreement with Margit for the year.

This is built so that this work can grow into deeper inclusivity, equity, and consciousness. The Fellowship carries an intention to cultivate the vivid grove as a place to deepen in solidarity, to offer teachings to those who might not otherwise feel the capacity to attend, and for MG to further learn how to support collective liberation and challenge supremacy in hir teaching and offerings.

As part of the Fellowship, Fellowship participants will meet with MG  a minimum of twice between now and May, to have conversations in reflections of the work;  will  meet with the Fellowship as a group, both in shared inquiry about what came from the workshops, what benefits and what challenges, and for collective imagining; Fellwoship participants will  be required to give a written reflection to be completed by the end of the Fellowship, which can also include visual / audio / and creative approaches.

Does this interest?
To apply, please write a paragraph about why this might be a good match for you, and let me know what you are interested in taking this season by October 1.

Contact margit >

Previous Fellowship members are welcome to apply, and are welcome to be involved - we can continue an agreement together to evolve in ideas, creativity, and sharing.

To make the space a place for all people
with Loving Curiosity

vivid grove Registration

All registration finalized with payment. Please pay with Paypal with      If you prefer to pay directly, please send checks to Margit Galanter, 1120 Carleton Street, Berkeley, CA 94702, or contact me directly for other methods.  Please let me know you have sent a check, so I can look out for it.  

Some work exchange available, and Scholarships in special circumstances. For either, please submit a written request.

Payment is non-refundable, but can be transferred to other classes in extraordinary circumstances. If you have any questions, please contact me via email or by phone.
(510) 761 - 6097

