Arts Manifesto (2011)

December 31, 2013

"I wrote a Menifesto for art two years ago in the end of December, sitting in the living room of my dear Aunt Patti’s house. I never put it out, but that month of daily art practice for the sake of it in the early morning was like a glowing, growing cauldron from which so much has sprung.  One of the days, this came as I was writing."

Arts Manifesto Draft 12-12 PDF

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MG Arts Manifesto – Draft text below

There is a vital aspect to creativity that compels me to define its power and what’s at stake.

To even use the singular word art for this comes with so many connotations that perhaps the word ARTS is more fitting – it invites the multiplicities of the nature of creative energy

Indeed there are more words that need to and will come as these fields further develop in given times and places

ARTS are a territory for instantiating the richness of imagination, the fertility of “living movement imagination” (one of those words yet to be), and of what people are here to say.

As we are effected by social, physical, structural, and economic forces, with the forum of ARTS there are avenues for us both to widen, expand and stretch these realms, to include their cosmic counterparts, and indeed the converse, see with stark clarity their more intimate manifestations of vastness (e.g., ego, needs for community, order, and dissonance) thru the delicacy of our sense of experience from a developed or rarified view.

Part of how we make is through our practice and our practice in getting familiar with fields of difference, variance, energetic shift, and stability. And through these, we compose forms, both from and a part of formlessness.

We all have different languages to describe and define what we see, and our making is a process of making new language, in multiple forms.

ARTS allow then for autonomous expressions that connect. In part, this comes from the fact that we are constantly composing ourselves in our environment, and through ARTS we are distilling specific constructions through a rarified and practice-based version of this operation.

ARTS are integrative process and most potent when they serve the mind, body, being, health, relationships, politix, heart, all, and even if some of these aspects are hidden at a given time, and others rise more into view, this is the precious nature of making, that we materialize a form from the rich underbelly of our furnace.