Foxing / Letting the Fox Go

(Certainly did not think enough about access with this! We were going for some kind of looking through, as in Duchamp's last work....)

Pieter Performance practice

Subterranean Arthouse, photo by Gary Ivanek

Versions of Foxing / Letting the Fox Go: Pieter PSD Los Angeles, Kunst-stoff, San Francisco, & Subterranean Arthouse, Berkeley

Co-created and danced by Abby Crain and Margit Galanter. Final piece in "dance drag." Inspirations from amphibians on sunny rocks, the Tui trigram, Eva Hesse, Open Source Forms, popcorn inspiration and informal dramaturgy by James Kidd, and so so much more.

Photos by: Takahiro Yamamoto, Gary Ivanek, the Fox drawing by Ryder Cooley.