Amerta Movement:
free movement instigated by Suprapto Suryodarmo

Amerta Movement is a non-stylized movement practice created by Javanese artist Suprapto Suryodarmo. Amerta is a rich mix of movement meditation, life reflection, daily movement, subtle explorations, aesthetic developments, and cultural innovation. The work is based in the sense of a garden, where all who practice can bring themselves fully into the place where they live and create, evolving in the context of the environment, each in their own blossoming. Through Amerta Movement, one can experience greater sensitivity and connectivity with oneself, with others, and with the space and place of human nature culture. The Sanskrit word “Amerta” can be translated as nectar, or elixir. With this practice, one begins to access their creative source and their unique groove.

Margit studied with Suprapto 2000 until his passing in 2019, as well as organized workshops and collaborated in teaching with him. The photos below represent some of these happenings, including Sharing Time: Sumatra, 2019; Prapto at seeds festival | Earthdance, 2008; The Field of Reciprocity, Tejakula, North Bali, 2017, with Sally Dean, Lily Kiara, and Julie Nathanielsz; U.S. Amerta movers gatherings  2018, 2019, Bay Area.

Amerta Movers Website
To make contact with Amerta movers around the globe.

Triarchy Press Wesbite
Much information on Embodied Lives: Reflections on the Influence of Suprapto Suryodarmo and Amerta Movement, co-edited by Katya Bloom, Margit Galanter, and Sandra Reeve.

Contact Quarterly
To purchase Embodied Lives in the United States, small press distribution

Interview “An Image That’s Alive” in CQ

Making Visible Map
European Facebook Amerta Sharing Group

Sharing Amerta Practice, Sumatra, Indonesia

Mary Peterson and Margit. Amerta in San Fancisco, 2019. Photo by Mara Poliak.

The Field of Reciprocity, Tejakula, North Bali, 2017.  Photo by Mary Peterson

Julie Nathanielsz, Widya Ayu Kusumawardani, and Prapto, Pacitan, Java, 2017

Amerta Performance with Mara Poliak at Counterpulse, 2019.   Photo by zsuzsi kapás
Greece, 2019