New Landings

New Landings is the title for a way of offering practice and sharing time collectively
New Landings came out of discussions with Suprapto Suryodarmo in 2017 in an inspiration to make models for what it could mean to decolonize dance
New Landings is an inquiry into the impossibility of settler colonialism, the potency of creative practice for reflection, critical inquiry, and cultural transformation, the embodied language practices that might support rematriation and collective liberatory inquiry, trusting the time it takes to develop commitments, and the power of compassion that grows through the felt experience of connecting on land.  


Here is a description of one of the New Landings courses offered:

This is a space for landing. As we have been facing myriad devastations and consequent uprisings, how can a practice of embodiment and receptivity with our surroundings provide a key for just actions in this time? Through moving, writing, dialogue and quietude, we will practice living communication with ourselves, the environment, and one another. This is a place for subtle explorations in liberation, for reinvisioning the somatic experience, for unsettling colonialism, and for finding rooted connections with our body-beings and planet earth. Practicing belonging, intimacy with self and a small group. There will be time for people to go outside for movement in their own place.Inspired by years research with Suprapto Suryodarmo, contemplative dance practices, racial justice studies, collaborations with artists such as Cave Coast Continuum and Eleni Stecopoulos, and the potency of these times.