vivid space composition at (re)storing performance

Vivid Space Composition
(Re)storing Performance: The Feldenkrais Method and Creative Practice
Conference Participatory Presentation at Bath Spa University, organized by Thomas Kampe (2015)

For the symposium, I proposed a half-hour experimental presentation with participatory elements. The presentation would offer an experiential forum to investigate spaces as states that emerge through sensory-perceptual composition and the Feldenkrais Method. The studies drew primarily from Lisa Nelson’s “Tuning” Scores and the Method’s Cardinal/Five Lines, as well as current personal creative inquiry, influenced by forms such as Steve Paxton’s Material for the Spine, Chinese energetics, the work of Benoit LaChambre, and Suprapto Suryodarmo’s Amerta Movement. The presentation investigated specifically how practices can engender qualitative possibilities in relation to space, such as spaciousness itself, directionality, projection, drawing in space, pointing, felting, kaleidoscoping, placing, and opening.

We are indeed composing our space all the time, and accessing multiple tonalities provides the potential for a vivid composition with space and in movement experience. 

The format for this presentation was performative lecture, participatory enactment, and conversation/reflection.